Jordan is a country full of surprises, mainly of how many Biblical sites there are. One of my favorites is Mt. Nebo, the traditional site thought to be where Moses hands over the reins to his number 2 in command, Joshua. Was it because Moses was tired and decided to give up leadership to the […]
Archive | Biblical Geographical Locations
How Jesus Used His Location to Teach
One of the more arresting aspects of traveling to Israel, particularly the Galilee area, is how nuances of Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels come to life in wholly unexpected ways. I had such a moment at Caesarea Philippi. It all began with the familiar passage in Mark 8:27-29: 27 Jesus went on with his disciples to […]
The Psalms: Man Responds to God!
If someone were to think of the Psalms ‘only’ as hymns of praise, often set to music, they’d be missing why they’ve been so central to the worship of God throughout both Jewish and Christian history. In addition to the beauty of their poetry and musicality, the Psalter is the only Biblical book in which […]
Movies, Journeys and Acts
If you love golf, you probably know about a gem of a film, Seven Days in Utopia. You might not have connected it to the New Testament’s Book of Acts, but see what you think as you read. (Note: you won’t learn enough here to need a ‘spoiler alert’, so treat yourself to the film […]
Galatians Front and Center
The third part of this Galatians series addresses relevancy. If we can’t apply what we’re learning, what’s the point? My favorite question in studying the Bible is just two words: “so what”? It’s similar to three simple guidelines when pouring over a text, similar to the methods we’ve explored in these two months of blogs […]