Who knew that the word ‘grace’ is inextricably tied to Thanksgiving? But doesn’t it make complete sense that a psalm of Thanksgiving is the testimony to answered prayer? Your Thanksgiving gathering will no doubt be so much more than the meal, but the specific giving of thanks for all the many blessings, the divine responses […]
Archive | The Bible and Popular Culture
Why linking Valentine’s Day and a Biblical Book isn’t crazy!
The headline of this blog might be a head-scratcher for you. After all, Valentine’s Day has its origin in the ancient pagan cultures of Greece and Rome when orgies celebrating romance and fertility regularly occurred. But as the Roman Empire was Christianized, the festival of Juno Februata – the Roman goddess of love, marriage, and […]

Sailing on the iconic Sea of Galilee
One of the most loved sights of the Gospel’s many locations is the Sea of Galilee. Whether we recall Jesus walking over its stormy seas to calm the disciples’ fear, or directing them to cast their nets ‘on the right side’, this was a place where the Master preached, taught and healed. BibleRoad’s video blog […]
Happy Labor Day — Vineyard Workers!
Since Americans are celebrating “Labor Day” the first Monday of September– a federal holiday established in 1894 to highlight the economic achievements of American workers– it’s a perfect time to look at Jesus’ parable about the Laborers in the Vineyard. It’s told in both Matt. 20:1-16 and Mark 10:17-31. This is a head-scratcher if approached […]
Biblical Leadership Hints for US Presidential Election
Is it possible that the Biblical story of Israel’s evolution– from nomads to slaves to free people who chose their own government—can shed needed light on today’s Presidential election? All the way back to Abraham, God told this earliest of patriarchs that kings would be included in Abraham and Sarah’s descendants. “I will make you […]