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Other Bible Resources

Here is a great list of Bible reference materials for you and your study group as you dive deeper into your study of the Bible. 

Bible Fact Sheet. Please click HERE to download file.
Bible Reading Plan. Please click HERE to download file.
Bible Study Resources. Please click HERE to download file.
Bible Translation Comparisons. Please click HERE to download file.
KJV 400 Anniversary. Please click HERE to download file.
Study Bible Selection. Please click HERE to download file.
Ways to Reading the Bible. Please click HERE to download file.

FRONTThis is an outstanding article about a new discovery that you will hear increasingly about:  a papyrus about "Jesus' wife".



Madelon: Yesterday marked my 600th consecutive day of following Professor Grant Horner’s Bible-Reading System. I LOVE it. When it comes to Dr. Horner’s Reading Plan, I am downright evangelical about it!! It is the best method I’ve come across to familiarize oneself with scripture in a systematic and enjoyable way.

Anytime someone asks me about the Bible, I share Dr. Horner’s plan with them. I have shared the plan with 20+ people, and I’m happy to report at least one additional devotee.

I wish to report this milestone to you and say: Thank You. Thank you for turning me on to this practice through your Bible Roads ministry.

Also, around New Year’s 2021 you put out a blog regarding other reference materials for students wishing to deepen their study of Scripture. You turned me on to William Barclay’s extraordinary exegeses of the NT. Over the past year, I have devoured most of his tomes. I love his style. His commentary brings the NT history to life.

The Message and Michael D Coogan’s The Old Testament have complimented my study. At your recommendation, I acquired a copy of the Harper Collins Study Bible NRSV.

I feel like the past 600 days have been a wonderful introduction to the text. I love how the Old speaks to the New and vice verse.

Joseph W Lown,

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Joseph W Lown

Response from Bible Roads

So delighted that was helpful to you Joseph! I’ve had a number of emails from different folks along these lines but love your thoroughness of why it was so helpful and its impact. Just wonderful!

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