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Archive | Paul and His Letters

New Testament Overview Parts 1, 2 & 3 (10 minutes each)

New Testament Overview Videos This is a gift from BibleRoads –  a New Testament overview video in about thirty minutes, free. We hope many will take advantage of watching it, tell your friends, use it in Sunday School with your iPad or laptop, start a BibleRoads study program with it providing helpful background,  etc. The goal […]

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Announcing “I Corinthians: Paul’s Challenge to Corruption”

If you’ve tried to figure out a Biblical response to the thorny issues of division, marital differences,  dietary issues and even spiritual arrogance, this product–I Corinthians CD–is for you.  And besides finding answers, we get to see its author, the Apostle Paul, at his shepherding best. A special goal of recent years has been to […]

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Traveling the Holy Land: Mt. Carmel

It’s December and that means Christmas.  However, instead of focusing on the traditional birth story of Jesus, we think you’ll enjoy considering someone who was treasured by Christ Jesus in a key moment of his ministry, the Old Testament prophet, Elijah.  Why?  Because Elijah (along with Moses, representing the Law) is one of the two great […]

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Paul’s Easter Witness: Victor not Victim

One way to celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus is to look at the transforming effect Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance made on a Pharisee, Saul.  Because of his Damascus road post-resurrection encounter, Paul considered himself an apostle, as chosen as the original twelve. In his most autobiographical letter, Paul writes the Galatians:             11 For I want […]

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