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Archive | Biblical Geographical Locations

Rembrandt BiblicalFeasts

How Biblical Feasts Teach Lessons Today

Feasts and food play a surprising role in the Scriptures when you consider how many people went to bed hungry.  And maybe that’s the point.  While eating and drinking sustain human life, they also create the opportunity to celebrate God as the One who provides life. And they then become metaphors throughout both the Hebrew […]

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Arch of Titus Rome

Paul’s Introduction to Romans and “The Gospel of God”

Discovering the variety of ways Paul opens his letters to the early Churches is like mining fields of gold—so many gems to uncover, chew on, then figure out how to apply and his introduction to Romans is no exception. Paul launches his monumental epistle to the Romans with a self-description. That alone is a spiritual aha. […]

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JoshuaBW Feat

Study the Book of Joshua? Really??

“I’m clueless how someone could get spiritual inspiration from The Book of Joshua since it’s all about blood and battles!” If that sounds familiar, you might be overlooking some of Joshua’s spiritual insights in this Old Testament gem which I’ve been recently discovering with a deeper reading. First, Joshua is about claiming one’s inheritance from […]

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