When people ask me about forming a first-time Bible Study group, they usually ask which book they should begin with.
My answer is unequivocally The Acts of the Apostles.
Because of its author Luke’s brilliant story-telling—of shipwrecks and stoning, of imprisonments and conversions to Christ, and, oh, so much more. He is arguably hands-down the Bible’s most colorful writer.
But in addition to keeping the fast-paced ACTion going, Luke persuades readers that the most important part of being a Christian is being guided by the Holy Spirit, as was the early Church and as we are today in the way we live our lives and the way we worship God with loving hearts in our faith communities.
We produced a workbook that accompanies our talk on The Acts of the Apostles. It provides background information and asks thoughtful questions designed to address key points in each chapter of Acts.
We offer special pricing on the workbook when you order in bulk (see below).
Group Bible Study
If you and your friends form a Bible Study group with 6 or more members, you’ll receive a $5 savings per workbook.
Please contact us at this link to receive your discount coupon code after providing a list of the 6 or more members.
Individuals will order their own workbooks and have the workbook shipped to their individual addresses, paying whatever individual postage applies.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For those of you living outside the US, we make downloadable versions of this workbook available at a discounted rate in order to avoid international shipping charges. Please contact BibleRoads for more information.
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