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Romans: Bible Study Guide



Paul’s magnificent letter to the Romans deserves—yea, calls out—to be studied.

Considered Paul’s tour de force, Romans was the last letter he wrote and the most extensive theologically. It’s a must for followers of Christ who want to understand more about grace, atonement, and faith—cherished Christian ideals.

Romans is also where so many Christians have found Paul’s teaching about sin to be transformative.

And in Romans Paul addresses the first-century challenge of whether you had to be Jewish to be a Christian.

Whatever hurdles you face on your spiritual path, you will find that what Paul provided to the Romans is completely practical and applicable for you today.

You will also want to listen to either the CD or the MP3 of “Romans: Paul’s Towering Final Letter,” available in the audio products section of this website.

This workbook is designed to be used individually or by Bible study groups.

Group Bible Study

One of the most meaningful activities of many adults is joining friends and neighbors in Bible Study fellowship. BibleRoads workbooks are intended for exactly this kind of thoughtful interaction and exchange as you explore the Scriptures together.

If you and your friends form a Bible study group with six or more members, each will receive a $5 savings per workbook. Please contact us at this link to receive your discount coupon code (after providing a list of the six or more members). Individuals will order their own workbooks, have the workbooks shipped to their individual addresses, and pay whatever individual postage applies.


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