Women of the Old Testament – like *Sarah or Abigail, Esther or Hagar –are familiar enough through their stories that we probably have a sense of what they’d be like if we could sit down and talk over coffee. Some are testy (Sarah), others astoundingly courageous (Esther); some were put in life-threatening circumstances they brilliantly […]
Walking Away…and Being Brought Back
This Easter season it’s a good time to recall one of the most moving stories following the crucifixion: the two followers, cleopas and his friend, walking to the village of Emmaus. This community was only about five kilometers south of Jerusalem, but the story is about geography with a theological punch: they’re leaving Jerusalem. It […]
Bible Journeys: Exploring the Bible through Organized Bible Study Groups
In 2013 I spent five days in the stunning Colorado Rocky Mountains studying the middle chapters of Isaiah with 50 fellow Bible students. The background you’re seeing on the above video is from the lodge where we spent about five hours a day pouring over the chapters, sharing insights, working to understand the themes, history, […]
Welcome to the BibleRoads Blog
BibleRoads.com Bible study blog If you’re hungry to discover more of the Bible’s treasures or have a place to bring some curious question, this Bible study blog is for you. About once per month, we will be providing brief 300-word pithy (hopefully!) statements about some aspect of understanding the Bible in a more informed way. […]
Welcome to Bible Roads from Madelon Maupin
Checkout some of our related Products Online Video Workshop – Biblical Women: Role Models for Leadership Today CD – Overview of the Old Testament