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Celebrating Your Freedom

July is a month to celebrate freedom. From Algeria to the United States, 24 countries in total commemorate their national independence day in July – and four of them today on July 1st (like Burundi and Canada).

The Bible is a treatise on freedom at multiple levels. Just as Moses celebrated the liberation of the Hebrew people from enslavement in Egypt, so Nehemiah and Ezra celebrated the emancipation of their people to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their beloved city.

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July 2, 2021 8:21 am

So many that inspire!
How about Ruth – freed from fear of a new country and life and free to be who she really is.
And Joseph – a freer sense of husband and father.
Thanks so much!

Susan Shaw
Susan Shaw
July 2, 2021 8:40 am

The most freeing person in the Bible was Christ Jesus, who declared, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Pamela Scott
Pamela Scott
July 2, 2021 3:29 pm

Esther was very brave to go the King and saved the lives of her countrymen.

July 2, 2021 4:32 pm

I love that the entire Bible is filled with stories of those who walked with God and claimed their freedom. So many examples to inspire me with courage to go forward and claim my own freedom! Yes, to what others have already shared. 🙂
Saul came to mind – how he was freed from his own limited self-satisfaction and certainty in seeking to destroy the followers of Jesus and embraced his complete transformation when touched by the Christ on his walk to Damascus. So much so that he became the beloved Paul. What a journey!

Nancy Darling
Nancy Darling
July 3, 2021 9:11 am

John as the scribe, to record Revelation from God to Jesus and to his angel and then John on the Island of Patmos.

Jackie Reid
Jackie Reid
July 3, 2021 11:48 am

Having to do new things is always a hard thing for me. Recently someone told me that I always doubt myself. So, I am going to pray about this; I have already had some success in getting something right that i didn’t know how to do and no one to ask. I’m going to keep going – until the angel blesses me with the freedom of knowing myself. I have already found that, “I am not alone.” Thank you so much for this great vlog.

Louise Krieger
Louise Krieger
July 4, 2021 4:42 am

That’s a nice Vlog Madelon.

July 4, 2021 7:19 pm

Glad t have the opportunity to id and say good bye to limitations that have held me back from being all God has in mind for me.

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