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May 2021 vlog Thumbnail

You’re not trapped: How one cultural insight delivered a huge ‘aha’!

I met someone recently who thought all that “history-stuff” about the Bible is in the ‘nice-to-know-but-not-necessary’ category.  I beg to disagree and had a recent experience to illustrate why. The story of the woman who committed adultery (in John 8:1-11) has been a favorite since I first heard it as a little girl.  Who wouldn’t […]

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A Biblical Roadmap for Weather

Winter freezes that knock out electrical power for millions, or floods that devastate crops, property, and people, turn us back to the Bible for answers about what holds control over our lives, including weather. An old proverb declares March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, capturing its mid-point between winter […]

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February, Love and Eagles

February, Love and Eagles

If it’s February, it’s Valentine’s day whose origins are in a Roman festival celebrating the coming of Spring, although it has morphed into a celebration of romantic love. So it seems appropriate to explore three ways the Scriptures teach us of love.

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