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The Prayer of Perception

The Prayer of Perception

  I love hearing people who normally never talk about God or religion suddenly say we all need to pray right now about this virus. How refreshing! How different from times when everything seems like smooth sailing, and people put awareness of God a bit on the shelf. But when there is an emergency, millions […]

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The Huge 2-part Role of a Tiny Biblical Word

The Huge 2-part Role of a Tiny Biblical Word

There’s a reason the adage ‘good things come in small packages’ got coined.  It’s true!  The tiny three-letter conjunction, ‘but’, in the Scriptures is a powerful example. Who knew that it has two profoundly different applications?   One looks back while the other looks forward.  How we use it determines much about how we view our […]

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The Unfolding Views of God

The Unfolding Views of God (from Genesis)

This ten-minute video discusses how the idea of God in Genesis evolves.  “Yahweh”, first introduced in Genesis 2 as a rather anthropomorphic version of God, is also the God of Isa. 43 who offers such consolation and hope to Israel during the Babylonian Exile.  Does your idea of God evolve?  We discuss two of the […]

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