It’s summertime! * And with it come visions of barbecues, long summer days, walks in the woods and glorious starry nights. All these powerful aspects of nature have been a focus the past few months while preparing three talks for a Bible conference on Scriptural Metaphors in Nature. What a powerful topic and the two […]
Archive | Moses

Snakes, Mountains and Moses
Jordan is a country full of surprises, mainly of how many Biblical sites there are. One of my favorites is Mt. Nebo, the traditional site thought to be where Moses hands over the reins to his number 2 in command, Joshua. Was it because Moses was tired and decided to give up leadership to the […]
What does the Bible say about Aging?
Are you one of the many who believe there is not a single subject today that the Bible hasn’t already addressed? Take a relatively new term like ageism, which along with racism and sexism, are three areas that spark discrimination. What does the Bible say about aging? About being in a life stage where people used to […]

Study the Book of Joshua? Really??
“I’m clueless how someone could get spiritual inspiration from The Book of Joshua since it’s all about blood and battles!” If that sounds familiar, you might be overlooking some of Joshua’s spiritual insights in this Old Testament gem which I’ve been recently discovering with a deeper reading. First, Joshua is about claiming one’s inheritance from […]