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New Theological Seminary of the West – Course on Luke

November 1 and 15th (both Saturdays)

Westwood Presbyterian Church

9:30 am – 3:45 pm

For application/registration:

The Gospel of Luke                                                                                                                                                              Madelon Maupin
Practicum; Required Course for M.Div. and M.A.; 1 Unit

Our immersion in the Gospel of Luke will have a dual focus.  We will read the content of this Gospel with a focus on its key themes in presenting Jesus Christ as Lord of history and the Christian’s exemplar.  The seminar will give attention to the political, sociological, and geographical context of the first century CE.  We will also work together on how one might facilitate the learning and teaching of Luke for different audiences.  Wherever you are on your journey with the Bible—you are welcome.

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